Happy 4th of July – A New Independence Day

Happy 4th of July - A New Independence Day
Dear Gardens Friends and Families –
I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the long 4th of July weekend.
Activities Director, Lilly along with our chef Javier Rosales are planning a fun event for the weekend. We will be serving grilled BBQ and Hot Dogs with Hamburgers for all residents. While Javier has been working closely with our dietitians to incorporate immune boosting foods, the July 4th event will incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables. Salads rich in Vitamins C and K as well as potassium in our potato salad and coleslaw will cover most of our daily requirement of vitamins. We are considering adding a drink cart not unlike the airlines beverage service cart. Cocktails, mocktails and other hydration options will move throughout the community going to door to door.
I wanted to update everyone with a special long awaited announcement. We have been updated by the Department of Public Health that we can start to arrange visitor appointments. These visits will be 20 minutes in length observing safe distance with masks and gloves. Visits will be held in the back courtyard. All visits must be arranged and scheduled though Activities Director, Lilly.
In an effort to maintain a Covid free environment management has purchased a Electrostatic Fogging disinfecting device which will be used soon to fog our entire community . It is safe, EPA registered and non-toxic.
Please have a safe and healthy July 4th and remember to book those Facetime, Skype or Zoom calls.
by Linda Muggli
The Gardens
at Park Balboa
7046 Kester Ave
Van Nuys, CA 91405
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (818) 787-0462
Fax (818) 787-7472