COVID-19 Testing – News

24 February 2021
by Dion Gallarza Executive Director
COVID-19 Testing

Dear residents, families and friends,

Our COVID-19 testing results from 2/16/2021 are in. We have no new positive cases and, also, no current positives in isolation. We are excited for our second upcoming vaccine clinic on Saturday, March 6. Weekly COVID-19 testing will still continue as directed by the Department of Public Health.

 Results from 2.16.2021 at 5 p.m.  Residents  Staff
 New Positives Since Last Update 2.12.20221  0  0
 Total Positives  31 15
Current Positives in Isolation  0  0
 Deaths  2  0
Resolved Positive Cases  31  15
 Second Vaccine Clinic Date  03/06/2021  03/06/2021
 Number Fully Vaccinated (2shots)  4  2

For any residents receiving the COVID-19 vaccine at the next clinic, attached you will find a consent form. If you are the resident’s responsible party, please fill out the form, sign it and please return via e-mail, mail or drop it off back to the community as soon as possible. Although a consent form was filled out for the first clinic, another is still needed for the second clinic.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at;


by Dion Gallarza

The Gardens
at Park Balboa

7046 Kester Ave
Van Nuys, CA 91405

Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm